The world’s first 60” and fastest Scanner, with a top speed of 17.8 ips, can help you increase your workflow tempo significantly. There are three different speed levels with the ability to switch between the three directly on the scanner’s intuitive touch panel. The world’s first 60” fastest Scanner comes in 36- and 42- inch widths.
Maximum Scan Width 60 inch (1524 mm)
Scanning Speed(inch/sec.) Speed while scanning a 60-inch document
Productivity (documents/hour) Batch scanning for 60 minutes. Includes paper load and eject time. Measured in completed scans
Arch E-size, RGB Color, 200dpi portrait load 866 scans /hour
Arch E-size, RGB Color, 200dpi landscape load 1054 scans / hour
Maximum Media Width 61.8 inch (1570 mm)
Optical Resolution 1200 dp
Maximum Resolution 9600 dpi
Maximum Media Thickness 0.6 inch (15 mm)
Data Capture (color/mono) 48-bit color / 16-bit grey scale